The end of February is a great time to start sowing your tomatoes for the year ahead.
I buy the majority of my tomato seeds from a local company in West Dorset called Sea Spring Seeds. We’ve used them across THE PIGs from the very beginning – they are specialists in growing Solanaceae; the family of fruits including tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and chillies who are all closely related.
At THE PIG, our gardeners are predominantly growing tomatoes for our chefs – so it is important to select the right varieties.
There are a few old favourites I would always grow, but when selecting new ones for our dishes, I’m always looking for a balance of taste, texture, and aesthetics. Here are some I’ve tried-and-trusted…
Ollie’s “Old Favourites” Tomato Varieties
Sungold – in my opinion, this golden variety is the best cherry tomato, especially earlier in the season when the taste and texture are unrivalled.
Green Zebra – a good, firm texture that can add a bit of wow factor to your dishes with its aesthetically appealing green stripes. Just remember to harvest them when they are still green, as they’re much tastier than when they go red.
Steak Sandwich – a classic beef tomato that you can bite into like an apple. These tomatoes are so juicy, it feels like you could literally stick a straw in them and start drinking!
Orange Wellington – another beef variety, but a golden coloured one. They are firmer variety than the Steak Sandwich, and the flavour is just fantastic.
From tomatoes and turnips to apples and aubergines, our Kitchen Gardeners are always happy to share their top tips for growing, sowing and harvesting.
You can find them by the veg beds every day at 11am on our free guided tours of our Kitchen Gardens across THE PIGs – no matter the month, and whatever the weather.